In addition to Brooklet Hill, we're going to be re-exploring a lot of water areas, including some Melemele cleanup. So, you know, this is gonna be a lot of blue.

Starting with our first fishing encounter...

Magikarp (Ultra Moon): Thanks to their strong hold on life, dirty water doesn't bother them at all. They live in waters all over the world!
None other than Magikarp! Famed the world over for its incredible seven foot leap, Magikarp impresses with not actually being the record holder for lowest BST before Sunkern (that was Caterpie, actually). It is a Pure Water type that only knows Splash until level 15, where it finally gets Tackle. Magikarp evolves at level 20, an agonising process made worse by Magikarp's presence in the Slow Experience group, but on evolution, gains acclaim among Water types as being one of the better options, statistically, we'll get in this batch- held back by sporadic access to new moves. But really, we'll see so many of them we'll get sick of it.
Magikarp's Ability is Swift Swim, but it changes on evolution. It also has a HA (Rattled), but that also changes on evolution. Not that it would make good use of any Ability on its own. Note that, when it calls for help, it can summon its evolution.

There's something about that dead-eyed stare, open mouth, and static-y cry that makes you feel kinda blegh about seeing a Magikarp.
Worst part is? I had a 70% chance of hooking a Magikarp there.

If you want decent odds of hooking the things that aren't Magikarp, you need to find these bubbling spots. When you fish in a bubbling spot, you have a different encounter table- which can often mean higher levels as well as more chances at the unique finds. Bubbling spots have three big downfalls: They go away if you run over/near them, you can only get one thing out of them before they disappear, and you have to reload the map to get them to respawn.
Old games made rarer spawns more likely by tying them to which rod you choose to cast. By consolidating the Rods into one item, they made fishing way more complicated than it needed to be. So much for streamlining the process. At least this means we can get the new fishing spawns as soon as we arrive in a new route.

And yes, sometimes the fishing rod doesn't even hook. If nothing bites, the bubbling spot remains, but failing to hook does dispel the bubbles. It's literally just a time waste.

Magikarp has a 50% encounter rate in bubbling spots on Brooklet Hill's main area.
Did you want people to go fishing?