Friday, 28 October 2022

Chapter 10 Supports

Today's Supports:

  • Eirika/Tana C
  • Tethys/Marisa C
  • Innes/Tana C
  • Ross/Amelia C
  • Innes/Vanessa C
  • Franz/Amelia C
  • Amelia/Duessel C
  • Moulder/Vanessa C
  • Joshua/Innes C
  • Cormag/Duessel C
  • Joshua/Gerik C
  • Artur/Joshua B
  • Seth/Natasha B
  • Ross/Lute B
  • Vanessa/Lute A
  • Neimi/Colm A
  • Seth/Franz A
  • Franz/Gilliam A

SS Chapter 10 Ephraim Battle: Loyalty Means Nothing

The first charge begins simply: Everyone files forward as far as they can, and the characters who present themselves to the enemy are the the people who need the EXP most. Tana's job this mission is to find as much EXP as she can, because she's not going to become her Eirika route self on her own.

When the enemy's first turn begins, Valter arrives on the scene and bemoans the fact Duessel and Selena aren't already killing each other. A wonderful thing for a general to have.

He's come to deliver an order to Selena. Doesn't he have actual work he should be doing, like stalking Eirika?

So yeah, notice how quickly Vigarde turned on Duessel when he expressed doubts? Selena's doubts were enough for the same treatment.

This part, though, is that really her fault? Did Selena take any longer to kill Duessel than a general who wouldn't care about asking for his side first?

Valter: "I hate the fact I have to clean your mess up after you. Here is the stooge who will be doing my work for me. I see no contradiction here."

SS Chapter 10 Ephraim Preparations: Choose A Side

Ephraim is also headed off to a blue dot, although I love how much the path down there winds around that part of the map. There's also a castle labelled halfway down, and I'm not sure what that place is.

Sure, Artur could pick up a few more levels, but in this case, I want Artur's promoted power and I also want him to have a bit of Staff rank ready. I think the latter ambition was a bit foolish, but also I have lots of people to give EXP to and I didn't really want Artur stealing it.

Monks (and male Priests) may promote into either Bishops or Sages. The choice, then, is between the superior Anima magic of the Sage or the Slayer skill, granting x3 Effectiveness against all monster enemies.

There's no two ways about it. If you can go Bishop, go Bishop.

In FE6, all Bishops were promoted Priests, which is why the class wields a staff as a rule. The fact that Lucius and Artur promote into a class that has a staff on the sprite and only just get staves is funnier in hindsight. With that said, they do start with a higher Staff rank than Sages.

...Duessel went to Renais to teach Ephraim? I guess that explains why no one else in Grado seems to remember the boy, although Father MacGregor didn't extend the same courtesy. No wonder Ephraim never bothered paying attention.

...You know what, I'll give him that. Duessel is more sensible, but I can see where they're coming from here.

From what we saw of the enemy interludes, Ephraim is doomed to disappointment here.

So long as someone can answer the question...

Well clearly we're getting one new recruit.

SS Chapter 10 Eirika Battle: A House Divided Against Itself...

I send Amelia charging into the middle of an enemy formation and feel absolutely no concern for her physical safety! Amelia is ready to stand alongside the other units as an equal.

Amelia is, I believe, the only female Cavalier on GBA, which means this is the only chance to admire the female cavalier sprite. I have no idea why they gave her a ponytail (Forde and Amelia might legitimately look closer to their official designs if they switched sprites), but damn if it isn't cute. Why are all the female class designs cute?

Tana finishes this guy off. She has multiple reasons to get down to Innes as fast as possible, but she legitimately can't get any further than this. Plus, it encourages the mages to go hit other people rather than follow her.

Time to go listen in on what makes Pablo tick. He's a little bit more than a disposable chapter boss, although they don't really work on giving him a character to show for it.

...You know, it would certainly be a great present, but I don't think Grado really cares about Innes that much. They've already destroyed the Frelia Sacred Stone.

I feel like you should've sorted this out before this point.

Pablo wants Innes dead. Unlike Eirika, Innes has no value captured, and he's the kind of person it would be impossible to throw in a cell and expect it to hold.

Important note: Pablo doesn't know where Klimt is.

SS Chapter 10 Eirika Preparations: No, After You

Next up: Apparently an uninteresting dot. Strange, since the battle takes place next to an important-looking Carcino building.

A quick visit to the shops to get a sample of what new prizes are in stock. I wouldn't bother with the armour-killers or Short Bow, while I don't think I ever knew Chest Keys were buyable. My first All Girls run, I only used Chest Key drops and didn't use male thieves, so I had to choose the best Chests per prize. Whoops. The Unlock Staff was apparently no less disappointing here than it was in FE10, although since you can't hit a door with your weapons in this game, it has legitimate value. Also, one might actually find a door worth opening to use this on.

We don't  have Dark magic users in the party yet, and will not for another three chapters.

Right, we need to do a quick spot of grinding, so in here we go.

Friday, 21 October 2022

SS Supports: Chapter 9

Today's Supports:

  • Ephraim/Tana C
  • Neimi/Amelia C
  • Eirika/Forde C
  • Ephraim/Forde C
  • Forde/Kyle C
  • Franz/Forde C
  • Moulder/Colm C
  • Lute/Kyle C
  • Eirika/Seth B
  • Ross/Garcia B
  • Gilliam/Moulder B
  • Gilliam/Garcia B
  • Franz/Natasha B

SS Chapter 9 Ephraim Battle: The Prisoner

It's truly remarkable, to go from having Lute as our mage to having Artur.

On a slightly related note, it is now our Anima tomes that are gathering dust in the convoy.

Artur's working on being Lute.

Pictured: Tana needing a command to make the turn auto-complete. You can't even RNG manip with her- I imagine you theoretically could, but it'd be the worst thing ever.

Also Lute things. Hard mode also means the enemies are actually somewhat scary, too. Still have Natasha, though.

The green squares represent the range an enemy staffbot has with a Sleep staff. Joshua is currently out of range because the priest must stand on the square currently occupied by that archer to fire the shot. I can fill some of those spaces, but somehow I feel like someone important is taking a nap.

Colm hasn't been awful, but this fight isn't exactly showing his good side.

OK, seriously, is everyone failing to dodge things?

You have a Support.

First shot goes to Garcia. It misses.

Ross is the boss. Especially when he's got an extra 3 Atk and 15 Crit from his father.