We start the third part of the Great Exploration in Sniflheim. Not many new places to see, but we'll have a lot of revisits to make to finish up all that miscellaneous stuff we did.
Veronica: The monsters may be causing trouble, but Krystalinda and the royal army look like they have things in hand. It's so nice to see her fighting to defend the kingdom. I always knew she wasn't really bad, deep down.
Erik: Sniflheim, huh? Actually, there's... um... There's this thing I wanted to tell you... ...No. Forget it. Now's not the time. Pretend I didn't say anything.
Jade: I'm getting used to the cold, but we still need to be careful. We don't want to end up with frostbite.
Hendrik: When this kingdom was frozen, I was dispatched from Heliodor at the request of Queen Frysabel. I entrusted the hunt for the Luminary to my deputies and rode out here to see what was happening... But of course, I could do little for the kingdom in the end. It was you who saved it, Erdward, and yet I did not know you were a force for good at the time...
Serena: It seems that the monsters in this area have been acting up since the dark star appeared... Sniflheim is a long way from Erdwin's Lantern, but there doesn't appear to be any part of the world that its evil can't reach.
Sylvando: Oh, that's right! I remember hearing that the buildings in Sniflheim all had a snowflake theme. I hadn't noticed before, but now I can see it. It's just perfect for such a fabulous frosty place!
Rab: If the beasties in the sea are acting up, it's sure to disrupt the trade routes into Sniflheim. We cannae allow the kingdom to become cut off from the world. We need to do something about that dark star, laddie, and fast!
So it was "Frysabel" who asked for Hendrik's aid? Hm... when do we tell Hendrik that was a trap message?
...Come to think of it, this feels like it should be pointing at a Quest, but I know no such objective. Maybe it's something so minor it hasn't been picked up on yet.
Sniflheim is far enough north of Gallopolis that the people do not have a good view of the Lantern, although I feel like they should be near enough south. Maybe the wrap-around effect obscures observing the south coast from the north in that direction.
This nun points you in the direction of Mia, if she wasn't on your mind already. Without Mordegon's influence, she should still be a gold statue right now.
That's a novel reason to think of the local witch. I guess she did make her start with her seductive powers.
The black dragon sealed in an ice cube has gotten out. Is this Morcant's fault? It was probably Morcant's fault. Serenica and Drustan at least sealed Calasmos in something the average person couldn't open with a pickaxe.
Meanwhile, in the castle, everyone is glad to hear that Frysabel's decisions were vindicated. She has a head on her shoulders- unlike her predecessor, who started this rumour.